December 2010

Pardon for Billy the Kid?

While reading the news today, I discovered that the current governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, is considering pardoning Billy the Kid for killing a sheriff. Richardson only has until Friday to decide because that is when his term will end.

December 29, 2010

Rocky Mountain Mining Towns: Bannack, Montana

The first part of the new series about mining towns in the Rocky Mountains will begin with Bannack, Montana. Nothing, but a ghost town now, Bannack was the site of a major gold discovery in 1862. The town was founded the same year as a result of the discovery and is named after the local … more →

December 20, 2010

Temporary Outage (Spambots)

I apologize for the temporary outage. I’ve been getting hit pretty hard with spambots and my hosting service shut down service to my account. I think I’ve got it taken care of after doing some careful research about redirecting traffic coming from spambots so that they don’t hit the server anywhere near as hard. If … more →

December 20, 2010