January 2016

Houses in Fin-de-Siècle Britain: Introduction to Styles of Architecture in Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain

The end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of twentieth century saw the end of an era of house architecture, whose presence still dominates the British landscape, and the beginning of a new style of building which would simplify the æsthetics of houses into something much more practical and what would today be recognised more as ‘modern’.

January 27, 2016

New Series: Houses in Fin-de-Siècle Britain

Quite some time ago, I did a research project about houses in Fin-de-Siècle Britain. This resulted in a long essay about middle-class houses during this time period which specifically focused on general tendencies in architecture, architectural features, façades, floor plans, as well as interior design.

January 24, 2016

New Homepage and Updated Design

I am pleased to announce a few changes that have been going on here at History Rhymes. The homepage has been reworked to emphasize feature articles and news articles, the whole website is now responsive for mobile devices and tablets, and a few other more minor updates round the whole thing off.

January 22, 2016