18th Century

Illuminati in the 18th Century

Secret societies, like the notorious Illuminati, have long fascinated people worldwide, their influence extending from history into today’s popular culture.

January 21, 2024

Kings of Bavaria: King Maximilian I Joseph

King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, also known as King Max I Joseph, was the very first king of Bavaria. His reign marked the beginning of a kingdom which lasted for just over a century. Born on May 27, 1756 in Schwetzingen in what is today Baden-Württemburg, Maximilian came from the Palatine lineage of the … more →

January 26, 2013

New Series: Kings of Bavaria

As my research has recently taken me in a new direction, I’ve decided to start a new multi-part series about it. For my dissertation, I will be researching the relationships between the Bavarian aristocracy and monarchy in the nineteenth century. The Kings of Bavaria will feature all of the Bavarian kings which ruled between the … more →

January 7, 2012