November 2008

Google Earth and Ancient Rome

I know this has absolutely nothing to do with American history whatsoever, but I found it quite fascinating, so I thought I would share it here. Google Earth has announced a new layer in which you can tour a completely 3-dimensional version of Ancient Rome as it was in AD 320. The models for the … more →

November 14, 2008

His Promised Land: The story of John P. Parker

For the same US history course that I mentioned I am taking this semester in my last post, I just finished reading a book called His Promised Land. The book is the autobiography of John P. Parker, an African-American born into slavery who eventually bought his freedom for $1,800. Based out of Ripley, Ohio, he … more →

November 14, 2008

New Worlds For All

This semester I am taking a survey class of US history up to 1865. For that class, I just finished reading a book entitled New Worlds for All: Indians, Europeans, and the Remaking of Early America by Colin G. Calloway. The book itself was actually quite interesting. Calloway discusses how the world not only changed … more →

November 2, 2008

1908 Presidential Candidates Speak

This is something I posted on another blog of mine a while ago, but I’m not entirely sure why I never posted it here. Anyway, here it goes: I found a really interesting webpage that has a lot of information about the 1908 presidential election. The two candidates were William J. Bryan and William H. … more →

November 2, 2008