December 2009

Video of King George V of Great Britain

If you cannot view the video above, you need to download a browser which supports the latest HTML 5 standards. Firefox is a good and free choice. You can also download the video here. In continuing with interesting old videos of European monarchs of the late nineteenth/early twentieth century, I have posted a video of … more →

December 28, 2009

Video of Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria

If you cannot view this video, you need to download a browser which supports the latest HTML 5 standards. Firefox or Apple Safari are good and free choices. You can also download the video here. This is a very short, but interesting video showing Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria in 1910 or so. It really … more →

December 18, 2009

The Making of Europe

I’ve just begun reading a new and so far very interesting book about European conquest, colonization and cultural change in the late medieval/early middle ages period. I will be spending a significant amount of time over my break pouring through this book as it is quite interesting. It starts off talking about the expansion of … more →

December 13, 2009

Wyoming Territorial Prison Museum

The semester is finally over for me. I had my last final and had to turn in my last paper yesterday. The paper was an interesting paper, however, because it involved the history of the Wyoming Territorial Prison Museum. It wasn’t about this history of the prison itself, but rather of the site as a … more →

December 10, 2009