
The Rise of Democracy in England

Today’s idea of democracy has taken centuries to develop and no other country has such a unique history with democracy as that of England. From the first Norman kings in the eleventh century CE, to today’s complex relationship between the English people, the monarchy and the Parliament, the process by which the English have come to govern themselves in modern times is quite a tale unto itself.

May 12, 2016

Introducing: The Old Journal

As a lot of my readers know, I have a very strong interest in Victorian British history as well as the history of the American west. Because of this, I’ve decided to create a new blog which will focus only on Victorian British history.

August 7, 2011

The Journal of Nathaniel Bryceson

The other day I stumbled upon a very interesting website put together by the City of Westminster, London. It is a digitalization of the journal of Nathaniel Bryceson, an early Victorian clerk. The journal was written in 1846 when Nathaniel was nineteen years old. The online version as posted on the website for the City … more →

January 25, 2010

Video of King George V of Great Britain

If you cannot view the video above, you need to download a browser which supports the latest HTML 5 standards. Firefox is a good and free choice. You can also download the video here. In continuing with interesting old videos of European monarchs of the late nineteenth/early twentieth century, I have posted a video of … more →

December 28, 2009

Finals and the Rise of Democracy in England

Well, this week is finals week here at the University of Wyoming as it probably is at so many other universities. I have finally finished up my paper for British history. My research carried me in a slightly different direction than I had originally anticipated in that my original project was going to be the … more →

December 8, 2008

Indians and the Imperial Powers of Europe

At the university library, I came across a book by the title A Companion to The American West, edited by William Deverell, and have been slowly working my way through it. The book is a series of essays that talk about what the American west is, how the west is defined and how the definition … more →

April 20, 2008