Kings of Bavaria: King Maximilian I Joseph

King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, also known as King Max I Joseph, was the very first king of Bavaria. His reign marked the beginning of a kingdom which lasted for just over a century. Born on May 27, 1756 in Schwetzingen in what is today Baden-Württemburg, Maximilian came from the Palatine lineage of the … more →

January 26, 2013

Rocky Mountain Mining Towns: Idaho Springs, Colorado

There are few mining towns of the old west which are still operational. Most mining operations were shut down for a large variety of different reasons and the towns supporting them then slowly dried up and eventually became ghost towns. Idaho Springs, Colorado, however, is one of the few which are still inhabited and still … more →

January 19, 2013

New Design

I am pleased to announce that History Rhymes now has a brand new design. It is a completely custom design I have been working on for quite some time now and I really hope you enjoy it! The new site was designed to be easy to read and yet mimic the way books looked that … more →

December 16, 2012

Documentary about the Yukon Passage

I have spent about the last hour watching a very interesting documentary produced in the 1970s about the Yukon Passage during the Klondike Gold Rush. The primary focus of the documentary is not the gold rush itself, but rather the way in which prospectors would have gotten to the Klondike region in the late nineteenth … more →

November 24, 2012

The Papers of Abraham Lincoln

A few days ago I ran into an interesting, but ambitious project online called “The Papers of Abraham Lincoln”. According to the project’s website, they are “dedicated to identifying, imaging, transcribing, annotating, and publishing all documents written by or to Abraham Lincoln during his entire lifetime (1809-1865).” It is certainly an ambitious goal, but if … more →

October 27, 2012

Starting Anew

There comes a time in the history of just about every blog where the author has to pen a post apologizing for an extended absence. That time for me is now. I have not made any updates to History Rhymes for the majority of the year (since January!). Much has happened in that time and … more →

October 4, 2012

New Series: Kings of Bavaria

As my research has recently taken me in a new direction, I’ve decided to start a new multi-part series about it. For my dissertation, I will be researching the relationships between the Bavarian aristocracy and monarchy in the nineteenth century. The Kings of Bavaria will feature all of the Bavarian kings which ruled between the … more →

January 7, 2012

Some more changes

Update: I have since deleted the Twitter account mentioned below meaning the “historyalex” account is no longer mine. I know it has been a while since I’ve posted anything meaningful, but I’ve been incredibly busy focusing on my MA and all the work that goes along with that. The past couple of days I’ve made … more →

January 6, 2012

Some changes

Things have been extremely hectic as of late and unfortunately, I really haven’t had any time to post anything on History Rhymes. Graduate school is far more work-intensive than undergraduate school is and so my days have been crammed full of work. More articles will be coming soon though, that I promise. A couple of … more →

November 10, 2011

Introducing: The Old Journal

As a lot of my readers know, I have a very strong interest in Victorian British history as well as the history of the American west. Because of this, I’ve decided to create a new blog which will focus only on Victorian British history.

August 7, 2011