Alex Seifert

Alex is a developer, a drummer and an amateur historian. He enjoys being on the stage in front of a large crowd, but also sitting in a room alone, programming something or writing about history.


New Homepage and Updated Design

I am pleased to announce a few changes that have been going on here at History Rhymes. The homepage has been reworked to emphasize feature articles and news articles, the whole website is now responsive for mobile devices and tablets, and a few other more minor updates round the whole thing off.

January 22, 2016

Kings of Bavaria: King Ludwig II

King Ludwig II was the fourth king of Bavaria. Of all Bavaria’s kings, Ludwig II is arguably the most famous. His legacy is entrenched in Bavaria’s collective memory as the Märchenkönig (Fairy Tale King) and his picturesque palaces and castles have changed the Bavarian landscape.

December 27, 2015


I am sorry to report that History Rhymes experienced some downtime yesterday and this morning. There was a major problem with the server which hosts History Rhymes which led to the website not being reachable. Everything seems to now be up and running again and I hope that this problem with not occur again in the future.

September 18, 2014

Kings of Bavaria: Maximilian II Joseph

King Maximilian II Joseph was the third king of Bavaria. He was born on November 28, 1811 in Munich and was the first Bavarian king to be born in Bavaria.

September 14, 2014

Kings of Bavaria: King Ludwig I

King Ludwig I was the second king of Bavaria. Although, like his father, King Maximilian I Joseph, he was born outside of Bavaria before the establishment of the Bavarian kingdom, his legacy is still felt to this day with no place being as strongly impacted as his capital city, Munich.

June 28, 2014

Film of London in 1926

I spent a good hour or so going through old videos of England taken in the 1920s. Of all of them, my favorite was a film made of London in 1926 — the same year Queen Elizabeth II was born — which I’ve embedded within the article. I absolutely love watching the people back then just imagining what it would have been like to live in such a different era to our own.

July 14, 2013

Five Years of History Rhymes

It is really hard to believe that History Rhymes has been around now for five years. I have scheduled this entry to be posted exactly five years to the minute after my my first introduction post. So much has happened in the time since I wrote that post that it makes it seems as though it was ages ago.

April 14, 2013

Kit Carson

No one person in the history of the American west played so many important roles in the shaping of this vast American landscape than Kit Carson. Despite his modest upbringing and the modest attitude he would carry with him throughout his life, the epic adventures he would lead in his lifetime would make him a celebrity in his own time and a legend in history.

March 10, 2013

How I research articles

Lately several people have written to me asking how I research articles for History Rhymes. I feel, therefore, it is appropriate to address this question publicly so that everyone who would like to know has the opportunity to find out.

January 28, 2013

Kings of Bavaria: King Maximilian I Joseph

King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, also known as King Max I Joseph, was the very first king of Bavaria. His reign marked the beginning of a kingdom which lasted for just over a century. Born on May 27, 1756 in Schwetzingen in what is today Baden-Württemburg, Maximilian came from the Palatine lineage of the … more →

January 26, 2013